Alaska Supreme Court

Court Type:Supreme Court
Street Address:825 W 4th Ave
Zip Code:99501
Hours:Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and Friday, 8:00 am - 12 noon
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Daniel E. Winfree
Clerk:Meredith Montgomery
Parking:Parking is available in front of the court offices.
Restrictions:The supreme court has further adopted rules for the practice of law in Alaska and procedural rules for children's matters, probate, and appeals. The Alaska Legislature may change the court's procedural rules by passing an act expressing its intent to do so by a two-thirds majority of both houses.
Forms & Filing:
Jury Service:
Special Access:If you have difficulty hearing in a court proceeding, tell the clerk and ask to use the assisted listening equipment available in the courtrooms. If you have another disability that makes it difficult for you to observe or participate in court proceedings or use court services, contact the Access Coordinator for your court: Court Directory